Growcentia, an agricultural biotechnology company, announced the release of its newest addition to the MAMMOTH product family for hydroponic cultivation. MAMMOTH Starter Plugs are pre-moistened, individually packaged trays.
MAMMOTH Starter Plugs are a 50/50 mix of coco coir and sphagnum peat moss, which offer growers excellent moisture and aeration properties to optimally start seedlings or unrooted cuttings. Each plug contains more media than traditional plugs to provide more surface area for colonizing roots. MAMMOTH Starter Plugs also come with pre-drilled dibble holes for ideal seed and cutting placement. The true-ten tray allows any 10" germination dome to fit and seal perfectly to maintain moisture and humidity.
Chief revenue officer and Growcentia co-founder Colin Bell, Ph.D., said, "We strive to deliver the highest quality, easiest to use products to growers. MAMMOTH Starter Plugs may be one of our simplest technologies, but they are fundamental to the growing process."
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