IPM Scoutek has released version 2.0 of its smarter scouting IPM software platform. The platform is created to manage pest flare-ups and lower economic injury with real-time data and automated reports.
"The platform now includes powerful features for cannabis growers like action thresholds, heat-maps showing pest/disease movement, better actionable insights and analytics for improved IPM decision making", says Brian Hendel, one of the founders of the company. "It also includes an auto-targeting spray/beneficial application for improved IPM budget utilization."
Brian explains how the software enables growers to leave clipboards and excel sheets behind with a smarter way to do IPM, since it's intuitive and user-friendly.
"The data enables growers and IPM managers to take informed action earlier, with increased precision and better strategies. IPM Scoutek reduces labor, input costs and crop risk."
For more information:
IPM Scoutek