During every busy shipping season, you invariably run into issues that would have been eliminated had a little spring cleaning taken place. The spring cleaning referred to here encompasses more than just the “cleaning” perspective. It also involves planning ahead and taking care of business concerns, so they don’t interfere with the busy season.
Here are a few points you may want to consider before spring shipping rolls around:
1. Review Your Supply Inventory
A good time to take stock of inventory is before the busy shipping period. There’s nothing worse than finding out you are short of shipping trays in the middle of a large order. Don’t confine your inventory to just shipping material; look at production material as well. The less concern around ordering material, the easier time you will have when the product is flying out the door.
2. Rotate Time Sensitive Products
A system should always be in place to use the older product first, from cardboard to growing mixes. Get your departments to use a continuous rotation of material to not be surprised when you have the least amount of time to deal with it. Growing mixes, for example, generally have a shelf-life of 3 months. After that, the wetting agent is less effective, resulting in watering issues. Some operations color code their loads of growing mixes, so the staff knows which to use up first. It also helps if you have a stringent ordering procedure so that you are never over or under-supplied with the material. Putting these measures in place will ensure that you are not dealing with surprise issues when you can least afford it.
3. Eliminate Clutter
It’s surprising how much constant clutter can affect the efficiencies of any greenhouse operation. A well-organized shipping area free of infringements can significantly increase the chances of making those time-sensitive deadlines that are so often imposed. Take time when you are able to review shipping and production areas to make sure that inventory is neat and that it is located in an area to maximize efficiency for the busy times. Sometimes the slightest change can save hours of labor.
4. End of Winter Maintenance
There are obvious maintenance issues that need to be scheduled within the greenhouses environment, but there are issues that are particularly important when you are moving into the Spring season. If your greenhouse has an area of cooling, you should be looking at this system prior to its demand. Check all pumps so that they are in proper working order and all other aspects of the cooling system. Winter damage to greenhouse structure is always an area of concern, as soon as the weather allows, you should do an in-depth perimeter check of the entire greenhouse and deal with any found issues right away. Busy shipping time may require your maintenance person to be in the greenhouse, and other maintenance issues will take a back seat. Blackout and shading systems should be serviced before the Spring season as well, with longer days approaching, blackout systems are vital for plants needing short-day conditions to flower.
5. Take measures Early to Lessen Pests in Warmer Months
The arrival of warmer weather in the Spring also brings pests. Certain precautions both in and around the greenhouse can reduce the severity. Removal of internal weeds before the change of season, as well as drench and spray preventatives, can accomplish this. Look in your chemical cabinets and check inventory. Make sure that the pesticides are in inventory before they are necessary. This again will lend more concentration to the jobs at hand during the busy season. Herbicides for areas directly in contact with the greenhouse exterior are also a necessary element for keeping pests out of the greenhouse. Pests will live in the grass and weeds around the perimeter of the greenhouse, and eliminating this environment will drastically decimate the number of pests entering the greenhouse. Make sure enough Herbicide is on hand to handle at least the first Spring spray.
6. Review Climate Controls
Instead of waiting until the warmer weather arrives, have plans in place that remind you ahead of time when climate controls need to be tweaked. Chances are, when the changes are required, your workload has drastically increased. Day lengths and temperatures change, and settings for venting shading and blackout all need to be adjusted to meet the changing climate conditions. Keeping records from previous years will aid in this changeover.
7. Whitewashing Exterior
If you are planning to whitewash your greenhouse, get plans and material orders in place before busy time. Depending on your method of application, this could take a great deal of planning just to arrange adequate labor.
For more information:
Pipp Horticulture
2966 Wilson Drive NW
Walker, Michigan 49534
P: 616-988-4044
F: 616-988-4045
[email protected]
For more information:
GGS Structures