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Research on the prospects of cannabis cultivation in Sri Lanka

In a situation where environmental agriculture is principally promoted, the present paper reviewed the applicability and potential worth of cultivating Cannabis as a medicinal plant in Sri Lanka. Currently, Cannabis is restricted from being used in Sri Lanka, though the country spends about US$27,000 annually to import Cannabis for medicinal preparations. Cannabis is well-known for its wide range of environmental adaptation, higher nutrient and water use efficiency, low dependency on external inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides, high economic return for a unit area of land, and ability to cultivate both indoors and outdoors.

Considering the genetic resources and inherent knowledge, along with favorable climatic conditions available in the dry zone, the study suggests that Cannabis is an ideal crop, which could assure higher economic benefits under low inputs. While serving as a venture of foreign earnings, local cultivation would halt the country’s dependency on the importation of Cannabis-based raw materials. However, legalization and cultivation should be rigorously monitored by an authorized body to ensure that the production meets the health regulations and is utilized accordingly.

Kalpani, Maneesha & Arunakumara, K.K.I.U. & Fernando, Menaka & Walpola, B.. (2022). Prospects of Cannabis and its Cultivation in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Journal of Agriculture and Ecosystems. 4. 29. 10.4038/sljae.v4i1.67. 

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