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Dutch company holds big anniversary/birthday bash

Friday, August 26, was the big day: Edward Verbakel's company, VB, celebrated its 25th anniversary and Edward's 50th birthday. A special occasion to throw a party, and Edward did his best to make it a huge hit. That he succeeded is evident in these photos.

As is tradition in the Netherlands: your birthday, your treat. Edward asked the guests to donate to the Jarige Job foundation in lieu of gifts. This organization helps less-fortunate children celebrate their birthdays, giving them a box containing everything needed for a real birthday party.

And thanks to his family, friends, and VB colleagues' generous donations, Edward, and his wife, Vivienne, were able to hand over a €5,000 check to the foundation's Jantine de Man on September 1. This money will help many a child have a well-deserved birthday.

Would you like to donate to children with less-wealthy families? Click here to donate to the Jarige Job foundation.

For more information:
VB Group 
Email: [email protected] 


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