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Estonia: Regulatory amendment to allow farmers to grow higher THC cannabis crops

The Ministry of Social Affairs is drawing up a regulatory amendment that will allow for varieties of Cannabis sativa with a higher tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content to be grown in Estonia. The change will significantly increase the number of varieties hemp farmers can choose from to grow.

Currently, farmers in Estonia are only permitted to grow varieties of Cannabis sativa with a THC content of less than 0.2 percent. By the beginning of next year at the latest, that limit will be nearly doubled to nearly 0.3 percent.

The Ministry of Social Affairs is in the process of drawing up an amendment to its schedule of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The change isn't driven by a more liberal drug policy, however, but rather European farmers' concerns over a limited assortment of permitted hemp varieties.

Ago Siiner, CEO of longtime hemp seed importer Perfect Plant, noted that under local conditions, just two currently qualifying varieties of hemp are worth growing in Estonia.

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