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US (MA): "The development of the facility turned out to be more complex and costly than expected"

Berkshire Kind has changed the location of its proposed facility and plans to be fully operational in less than one year. Originally to be built in the William Stanley Business Park, the cannabis company now plans to convert the former Starbase Technologies at the corner of Peck's and Valentine Roads into a cultivation and manufacturing facility.

The development at the William Stanley Business Park turned out to be a little more complex and costly than we expected it to be, and the opportunity with Peck's Road provided a good opportunity," Co-owner Jeremy Silverman explained at a public hearing on Thursday.

"The building is already there, we didn't have to worry about the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and state Department of Environmental Protection requirements, which became very cumbersome, and it's just an easier route to get to production and operation faster."

Developers on the former General Electric property have had to deal with the effects of past contamination. The approximately 56,000-square-foot building on Peck's Road is set to contain a 6,000-square-foot manufacturing facility and a 25,000-square-foot cultivation facility with up to 10,000 square feet of canopy.

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