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US: "Biden doesn’t plan any cannabis moves ahead of midterms"

The White House suggested on Friday that President Joe Biden will not be making any cannabis policy moves ahead of the midterm elections, with the press secretary saying that “I don’t have anything else to share in the upcoming weeks” when she was asked about other Democrats’ push for cannabis action by the administration.

During a gaggle with reporters aboard Air Force One, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was pressed on whether the president intended to talk about cannabis before the election, with the journalist pointing out that the topic is being raised by “a lot of his allies.”

Jean-Pierre acknowledged that questions about Biden’s plans for cannabis policy have routinely come up in press briefings and then reiterated that his position remains the same: leave adult-use legalization to the states, reschedule cannabis, federally decriminalize the plant and expunge prior records.

“The president believes that there are too many people serving unduly long sentences for non-violent drug crimes, a disproportionate number of whom are black and brown,” the press secretary said. However, while cannabis reform is a strong popular issue, especially among Democrats, she implied that he didn’t plan to leverage reform before the election that’s less than 10 weeks away.

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