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World Anti-Doping Agency announces

Cannabis is staying on the banned substances list for international athletes

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has officially decided to keep cannabis on the list of banned substances for international athletes following a scientific review and a determination that cannabis use “violates the spirit of sport.”

Advocates strongly urged WADA to enact a reform after U.S. runner Sha’Carri Richardson was suspended from participating in Olympics events due to a positive THC test last year. In response, the organization carried out a review of cannabis as a performance-enhancing drug, but the Executive Committee has now decided to maintain the prohibition.

“The question of how THC should be dealt with in a sporting context is not straightforward, WADA Director General Olivier Niggli acknowledged in a press release on Friday. “WADA is aware of the diversity of opinions and perceptions related to this substance around the world, and even within certain countries.”

“WADA is also mindful that the few requests for THC’s removal from the Prohibited List are not supported by the experts’ thorough review,” he said. “We are also conscious that the laws of many countries—as well as broad international regulatory laws and policies—support maintaining cannabis on the List at this time.”

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