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Beta test for cannabis software to manage farms and greenhouses at Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science

BYND Cannasoft Enterprises Inc. has signed an agreement with the Weizmann Institute of Science for the use of its proprietary software. Under the terms of the agreement, the Weizmann Institute of Science will use a beta version of the software provided as SAAS. The beta version will include BYND Cannasoft Enterprises' C.R.M. System - Job Management (BENEFIT), as well as a module system (CANNASOFT) for managing farms and greenhouses with varied crops. BYND Cannasoft Enterprises will grant the Weizmann Institute a permit to use the license free of charge for a period of one year, after which the institute will have the right to extend the agreement, and the Company will be paid a rate according to the agreement.

The Weizmann Institute of Science is one of the world's leading multidisciplinary basic research institutions in the natural and exact sciences. It is located in Rehovot, Israel, just south of Tel Aviv. It has a long history of investigation and discovery rooted in a mission of advancing science for the benefit of humanity. In parallel, it educates a substantial proportion of Israel's scientific leadership and advances science literacy in schools and among the public. The Weizmann Institute of Science has pioneered research using CBD to treat conditions as diverse as glaucoma, Parkinson's, chemotherapy side effects, MS, and Crohn's while using advanced tools like CRISPR gene editing to further understand cannabis.

Yftah Ben Yaackov, CEO and a Director of BYND, said, "This is an extremely important step in the development of BYND Cannasoft Enterprises medical cannabis software since the Weizmann Institute has many greenhouses of various types that can cover all the development possibilities of the software in the coming year. We are honored to have the opportunity to beta test our cloud-based platform with a world-class institution like the Weizmann Institute of Science."

BYND Cannasoft Enterprises will perform updates and continue to develop its software based on the conclusions and applications of the customer's interactions. BYND Cannasoft expects additional revenues from the use of the software licenses and from dedicated development for the benefit of the Weizmann Institute of Science.

For more information:
BYND Cannasoft Enterprises 

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