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US: Vermont cannabis farmers follow strict measures to secure crop

Vermont’s retail cannabis marketplace opened this month, and many farmers are now in the thick of harvesting and processing their first crop for store shelves. For many, the issue of protecting the lucrative crop has become a top priority.

“This is like two weeks out from harvesting,” said Sam Bellavance with Sunset Lake Cannabis. The company is a tier-four outdoor grower located in the Champlain Islands. Bellevance requested to not give their specific location. He also doesn’t want to talk about the value of the 1,248 cannabis plants he’s harvesting. “A lot of it is just really common sense,” he said. 

Part of securing the crop, Bellavance says, is being discreet, as well as the company’s relationship with employees and other vendors they work with. He says the precautions are among guidelines created by The Vermont Cannabis Control Board. “There actually are really strict rules on security, and that is a big part of what the CCB wanted this year,” Bellavance said.

For Sunset Lake, that includes security cameras, both visible and hidden, motion sensor lights, locks on greenhouses, and an electric fence protecting the crop.

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