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A look behind the scenes of a cannabis testing lab

This room has $1 million worth of instruments, says Thom Grace, chief executive officer of Bia Diagnostics, the only lab currently up and running that can provide full-service testing for Vermont's new adult-use cannabis industry.

Bia Diagnostic's cannabis lab is tucked into a corner of its total of 10,000 square feet of space. It's four highly sophisticated instruments can carry out all of the tests required by the state Cannabis Control Board. The unassuming room has black-and-grey floor tiles, with light flooding in from a wall-sized window. The lab's walls are lined with benches and tables that hold the testing instruments made by PerkinElmer, based in Waltham, Massachusetts.

The instruments resemble photocopiers with parts attached that would fit in on a Star Trek movie set. The pesticide-testing instrument, in particular, includes a glowing green glass window with small tubes snaking through it that tells you something is going on in there you don't understand.

The work done at Bia Diagnostics plays a crucial part in supplying Vermont shops selling adult-use recreational cannabis, which became legal on October 1.

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