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CAN: Grower produces in world's first 4-layer flower aeroponics system

SUMO Cannabis and AEssenseGrows announce the production of the world's first 4-layer aeroponic cannabis operation at the SUMO Cannabis facility in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec.

SUMO Cannabis co-founders Eric Morel, Jonathan Bosse, and Francis Descoteaux planned for advanced production exceeding Health Canada requirements with precision craft quality from the start. The team considered the best ways to increase their density and maintain quality with every choice they made. Thirty-four-foot-high ceilings in their 30,000-square-foot facility left them with plenty of room for innovation, expert engineering, and the courage to push the envelope at the same time.

Settling on a 4-layer racking system, they started production in two Flower rooms in 2022. "The plants love aeroponics with speedy growth as the easy part," said Jonathan. "As it turned out, throttling the results down to stay under the 30% THC ceiling was the harder part." Bosse continued. "Now, we are reaping the rewards of our research as we manipulate terpenes to stand out in the market," Jonathan concluded.

SUMO also uses the AEssenseGrows high-density 4-Layer SmartFarm Nursery for their Clone & Veg operations enabling them to go with an efficient high-density aeroponic approach from start to finish. Cultivation competition is intense across Canada, and SUMO Cannabis plans to win with aeroponics, saving labor, water, and nutrients in the process.

Phil Gibson, VP of Marketing, AEssenseGrows, reflected, "SUMO Cannabis set their expectations extremely high with this production facility. They will enjoy a competitive advantage with yields at 360 grams/ft2 per harvest." Gibson finished, "At their scale, the SUMO team will deliver beautiful flowers and be profitable in the process."

AEssenseGrows' precision aeroponics uses zero-soil and delivers 24x7 controlled automation to monitor and execute grow recipes for key variables like nutrients, irrigation, pH, temperature, and lighting to maintain optimal conditions. The company's Guardian Grow Manager central management system is available on any mobile or desktop device.

Visitors to MJBizCon Las Vegas, November 16-18, are encouraged to discuss their advanced concepts with the AEssenseGrows team in the Lower South Hall, Booth #527. All of the 1, 2, and 4-Layer AEtrium Systems will be in operation on the show floor.

For more information:
SUMO Cannabis 

[email protected]

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