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Senator files bill to get country ready for federal cannabis legalization

Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) on Thursday formally filed a previously announced bill to set the country up for federal cannabis legalization.

The timing of the introduction is meant to roughly coincide with the 10th anniversary of his home state of Colorado’s vote to legalize adult-use cannabis. He previewed the legislation at an event in October marking that anniversary and formally announced his intent to file it last month.

The Preparing Regulators Effectively for a Post-Prohibition Adult-Use Regulated Environment Act (PREPARE) Act would direct the attorney general to create a commission charged with making recommendations on a regulatory system for cannabis that models what’s currently in place for alcohol.

“A decade after Colorado pioneered cannabis legalization, Americans overwhelmingly support the same at the federal level,” Hickenlooper said in a press release. “This bipartisan, bicameral framework, based on Colorado’s Amendment 64 Task Force, will replicate our success nationally.”

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