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US (CO): New cannabis regulations go into effect

Redesignating medical cannabis as retail cannabis is one of several new rules regulating cannabis sales that went into effect at the start of this month.

Another new regulation, partially prompted by the discovery of unsafe yeast and mold contamination by one cannabis vendor, calls for implementing use-by dates and storage conditions for all regulated cannabis products, but that new rule won’t go into effect until January 2024.
Some new rules also alter how cannabis owners and employees are trained and the designations they receive as a result. “As in previous years, the (Marijuana Enforcement Division) tackled significant topics during this year’s rule-making session,” said the division’s senior director, Dominique Mendoila.

“While much of the MED’s rule-making is legislatively driven, we appreciate how the MED’s rule-making design provides opportunities to hear from and collaborate with our diverse set of stakeholders.”

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