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Growcoon now on bio-input list Europe, The Netherlands, France, Italy and Germany

Growcoon meets the international standards for organic farming, according to FiBL. It has been on the Dutch Skal input list for several years now. And France (Ecocert) has also recognized the product for some time now. It was recently confirmed that Growcoon has also been added to the German and Italian input lists. 

Growcoon does not harm the environment, and, with the OK Compost certificate, that is a proven fact. After degradation, nothing is left behind except water and CO2. For application in organic cultivation, however, a product must be approved first. Evaluation and regulation in this regard are formed at the European level but may or may not be adopted by a country. Therefore, whether a product can be used in organic cultivation can vary from country to country.  

FiBL (Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau) is an independent research institute dedicated to advanced science in organic farming in Europe. It is the European institute that is responsible for product evaluation. After FiBL has given the green light, the product can be placed on a national input list by the local authorities.

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