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Colombia’s congress agrees to final cannabis legalization bill

Colombia’s Chamber of Representatives and Senate have voted to reconcile their respective versions of cannabis legalization bills that recently advanced, with both bodies accepting minor changes to create a unified final product that’s now set to advance to key votes in the new year.

Because the legalization proposal would amend the country’s Constitution, the legislation must pass both chambers again in 2023—and a key Senate sponsor of the bill says that she expects it to be formally enacted by June.

The reconciliation process took place about a week after the Senate overwhelmingly approved its version of the reform legislation. The bill had previously received initial approval in Colombia’s Chamber of Representatives.

“For the first time in history, Colombia is advancing at such a level in this discussion,” Sen. María José Pizarro Rodríguez, sponsor of the Senate legalization bill, said, adding that supporters “hope that regularization will be a reality in June.”

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