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F1 SeedTech joins 'Cultivation for Compounds' cannabis consortium

F1 SeedTech proudly joins the Cannabis consortium Cultivation for Compounds (CfC). The CfC is a consortium formed by Vertify, Cultivators, and the World Horti Center focused on cultivating Cannabis for specific compounds. The Cannabis industry is a growing market with lots of opportunities, and all of the companies in the consortium contribute experience in the legal Cannabis market and/or innovative ideas for the industry.

Besides those companies, the consortium features (among others) partners, including Biobest, DCM, Fluence, Grodan, Priva—and now, F1 SeedTech.

Purpose of the Cultivation for Compounds
Cultivation for Compounds is a four-year cultivation research program located at Vertify. The companies composing the consortium will ensure that this research takes place at the highest standards using the most innovative techniques available.

Besides the cultivation facility at Vertify, the World Horti Center designed a presentation pavilion at their location. This pavilion is focused on post-harvest techniques and will therefore give insights into the history of Cannabis, the applications of specific compounds, cultivation, and solutions.

Comments on the partnership
Maikel de Bresser (COO) comments: “Cultivation for Compounds (CfC) provides not only a network of knowledge but also a greenhouse to demonstrate to growers the value of our F1 hybrid seed crop. CfC network partners are active with a broad range of F1 seed crops, from tomatoes and bell pepper to Cannabis. These partners have already successfully made the step from vegetables to Cannabis both in Europe and the USA.”

“Our F1 Cannabis seeds are the first Cannabis F1hybrid seeds and yet unknown as a starting material. We have done trials both internally and externally. These trials have confirmed its better rooting, higher yield, and shorter cycle time, just to mention a few benefits. All commercial growers may expect at least a 15% Gross Margin improvement when using F1 hybrid seeds, a welcome aspect in this competitive market!”

Dr. Harold Frazier (Chief Research & Breeding) comments: “CfC based in the World Horticulture Center offers a unique opportunity to show our F1Cannabis hybrids to visitors from around the world.”

“Our vision is that the Cannabis crop will become a seed crop just like tomatoes. Our Cannabis F1 hybrids are successfully trialed in Arizona, Oregon, California, and the Netherlands, and publications by independent third parties will follow soon. F1 hybrids, in general, have been a phenomenal platform to introduce a wide variety of traits in a wide range of crops.”

“F1 SeedTech has a broad pipeline of new products like neutral day and short day varieties but also traits like Powdery Mildew and Botrytis. We plan to trial-test varieties asap in the CfC. Needless to say that the habit of our plants are uniform and easy to grow, and the contents are consistent in THCA.”

For more information:
F1 SeedTech

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