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Collaboration to promote agricultural technology in Spain

J. Huete International and Agragex have signed for the fourth consecutive year the link that unites them so that both entities will continue betting on agricultural technology during 2023 both in Spain and in the rest of the world.

Together with more than one hundred companies in the agricultural sector, J. Huete International participates with Agragex in promotional activities such as trade fairs and trade missions, thanks to which it promotes the updating of greenhouses and the implementation of intelligent and automation equipment in them.

"Agragex's expertise in international trade and market analysis has been important in helping us expand our reach. We look forward to continuing to work together to promote Spanish agricultural technology on a global scale," says Javier Huete, CEO of the company.

Thus, the goal of both entities is to modernize agriculture and export agricultural knowledge, ideas, and talent to countries on five continents.

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