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US (CA): Large scale Humboldt cannabis cultivation business finds court ordered receivership representation

As of late, the Cannabis Industry Continues to fluctuate as cannabis business evaluations continue to rapidly take a downturn. The hardships of 2022 have consistently forced industry operators to close operations and take their businesses to the open market. Green Life Business, the industry leader for Mergers & Acquisitions, has consistently seen an influx of operators looking to sell their cannabis business. As distressed cannabis businesses continue to hit the market, many of these businesses make their way into the hands of Court Ordered Receiverships.

Rather than raising red flags for operators and Multi-State Operators (MSO'S), Court Ordered Receivership opportunities have proven to be the perfect opportunity for a large-scale operator or MSO to move in and acquire these distressed businesses. Cannabis Businesses represented by a Court Ordered Receivership have the Judge's Stamp of approval relieving the business from any prior Liens or Debts for the next owner. This is a great opportunity for a company to take advantage of a clean canvas opportunity that offers upside and a much lower point of entry. One example is a Large Scale Cannabis Cultivation, Manufacturing & Distribution Business located in one of the Mecca's of the California cannabis industry, Humboldt, CA. This business has the capability of becoming fully vertically integrated with options to purchase the Real Estate. The uncertainty of the 2022 market has inclined operators to not only acquire a business but to also acquire the Real Estate on a project, as it gives operators more leverage and security by not only owning the business but the Real Estate as well.

Although the year 2022 has been considered to be a roller coaster year for not only the cannabis industry but many other industries, 2023 has kicked off with a positive increase in movement throughout the industry. The cannabis industry, which has proven to withstand recessions and pandemics, will continue to have steady growth as the United States nears Federal Legalization. Receivership opportunities continue to attract acquisition groups as a down market opens the doors for strategic acquisitions and fire sale prices throughout the industry creating a buyers' market.

For more information:
Green Life Business
2878 Camino Del Rio So. #302, San Diego, CA 92108
(858) 245-6324
[email protected]

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