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US: Pontiac sued as cannabis development delays continue

Pontiac is facing a $60 million lawsuit over medical cannabis rules and regulations. It’s the latest setback in the city’s efforts to achieve the mandate from voters five years ago to allow cannabis businesses.

Rubicon Real Estate Holdings and Joseph Brown of Brown Design Consultants filed suit in Oakland County 6th circuit court late Monday, January 23, naming the city and the city’s clerk, Garland Doyle, as defendants.

In the filing, Rubicon says the city’s delays are to blame for Rubicon’s lender withholding $45 million in loans needed to rehabilitate the long-vacant buildings on seven parcels known as Glenwood Plaza, 7 and 9 Glenwood Ave. in Pontiac.”

On May 21, 2021, Sixth Circuit Judge Yasmine Poles ordered the city to approve all the pending permits related to the Glenwood redevelopment and allow Rubicon and its tenants to move forward. The last line of her opinion notes that the case was not considered closed. Monday’s filing is based on Poles 2021 opinion.


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