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Online training, March 9-27, 2023

JPFA launches a vertical farming training course

The Japan Plant Factory is announcing a new training course on vertical farms from 9-23 March 2023.

A live question-and-answer session for all participants will take place from 10:00-11:00 on March 22, Japan time, and the recorded video will be available soon afterward. A special app used for the course will allow participants to interact with each other.

Click here to get more in-depth information on the course. 

Click here to register for the course(s). 

Multiple courses
As there are multiple levels to pick from, the courses are divided into Introductory and Specialized courses with options to select Full or Business Focused classes to meet various requirements and interests of participants.

The new Business Focused option includes only business-related content and a few general lectures with a shorter learning time at reasonable fees.

The Introductory course will offer elementary theory and practice of PFALs, basic knowledge of cultivation and operational management, and keys to business success.

The Specialized course will cover such issues as practical methods and novel applications, including a 60-minute virtual tour of commercial, large-scale PFAL and a live talk with Mr. Roel Janssen from Planet Farms in Italy to discuss the latest situation on vertical farming in Europe.

For more information:
Japan Plant Factory Association
[email protected]  

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