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US (PA): Ag Secretary seeks proposals to help boost hemp sales and exports

Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding recently called for proposals from nonprofit marketing and promotion organizations for projects aimed at increasing sales, export, or consumer awareness of Pennsylvania hemp products.

The department plans to award $200,000 in matching funds to reimburse up to half of the project costs, with a minimum grant amount of $1,000, according to a release.

“Hemp has presented a unique opportunity to grow an industry from the ground up, supplying seemingly limitless sustainable construction materials, fiber, and food products,” Redding said. “These grants will feed a new industry that was once a staple of Pennsylvania’s economy and is again presenting opportunities for farm income and jobs as well as new possibilities for climate-friendly, environmentally beneficial products.”

The department will give special consideration to projects that leverage other funding and public-private partnerships. Eligible projects may include regional or national promotion.


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