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US (MO): State reaps $12.6M in cannabis sales on the first weekend

The Missouri cannabis industry kicked off with an incredibly lucrative start, as dispensaries generated more than $12.6 million in sales during the first weekend of adult-use cannabis products. The state's industry trade association reports that citizens are embracing this exciting new opportunity with enthusiasm and vigor.

On February 3, cannabis dispensaries in Missouri saw record sales as they opened their doors to recreational customers for the first time. The outlets sold an incredible $5 million worth of cannabis on that day alone, according to reports from MoCannTrade.

Over the weekend, adult-use consumers were out in full force - accounting for an impressive two-thirds of all purchases. Missouri dispensaries saw a major boost in sales after their approval for comprehensive retail operations, demonstrating robust demand fueled by mass participation among existing customers.

After an extensive process, Missouri has awarded a total of 335 cannabis licenses to various individuals and businesses. 207 comprehensive retail permits have been issued along with 72 manufacturing licenses for infused products, while the remaining 56 were given in cultivation.


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