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Colombian cannabis exports nearly doubled last year

The cannabis world is constantly evolving, particularly in recent years, and there’s no end to that trend in sight. It will be a long time before the dust from the international cannabis industry settles, however, there’s one thing that is likely a safe bet – Colombia will dominate the export market in the future.

Colombia has long served as an international supplier of cannabis, albeit unregulated cannabis. As the international cannabis industry continues to spread, and more markets go legal, many of them will turn to Colombia in an increasing fashion for supply.

Cannabis can be cultivated in Colombia much easier compared to many other countries, with the quality being comparable to what is found in other nations but produced at a fraction of the cost. This last year Colombia ramped up its legal medical cannabis exports considerably, nearly doubling statistics from the prior year on record. Per The New Century:

Bogotá (48%), Cundinamarca (30%), Antioquia (12%), Santander (8%), and Magdalena (2%), were the departments that exported US$8.4 million in cannabis between January and November 2022, which represented an increase of 96% compared to the same period in 2021, according to figures from Dane.


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