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US (CA): ANAB-accredited cannabis handler certificate launched

Green Flower has announced the successful accreditation of the Cannabis Handler Certificate by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

The Cannabis Handler Certificate (CHC) is the cannabis industry’s first accredited program covering both cannabis and food safety accredited under the Cannabis Certificate Accreditation Program (C-CAP)—specifically, ASTM standard D8403-21—providing legislators, facility owners, certificate issuers, and workers assurance of the quality and integrity of the certificate program requirements.

The CHC program provides cannabis manufacturing and cultivation businesses—and their workforce—a solution that satisfies current mandatory training requirements with customized cannabis-based content.

"Cannabis cultivation and manufacturing businesses are already required to take generic food safety training courses to remain in compliance. The problem is, those mandatory trainings have nothing to do with cannabis, so it becomes just another box to check,” said Max Simon, CEO and Co-Founder of Green Flower. “This ANAB-accredited certificate is far more relevant to cannabis professionals, and we are very excited to work with operators to provide this cannabis-centric health and safety training.”

“ANAB congratulates Green Flower on achieving accreditation under the C-CAP program, thereby helping to advance safety and quality in the cannabis industry,” said Dr. Turan Ayvaz, ANAB senior director of credentialing accreditation. “ANAB’s C-CAP accreditation offering is vital in supporting the industry in fulfilling cannabis-related state laws and regulations, and in assuring the defensibility of high-stakes training programs that are required for gainful employment in this growing industry.”

“Stakeholders can be assured that, with accreditation by ANAB under the C-CAP, Green Flower has demonstrated the quality of its certificate program for cannabis handlers,” said Dr. Vijay Krishna, vice president of credentialing, ANAB. “In supporting the development of a competent cannabis industry workforce, C-CAP completes the full spectrum of ANAB’s cannabis-related accreditation programs, which also include offerings for testing labs and product certification bodies.”

Current food handler certificate programs, which cannabis operators have been required to complete, do not address specific issues faced by cannabis processors and are not directly relatable to the roles and functions of their employees.

The CHC has been designed to address these issues, providing cannabis businesses and their workforce a solution to these needs to satisfy regulatory mandates while being directly applicable to the specific needs of the cannabis industry.

The CHC solves several operational requirements for licensed cannabis operators, including:

  • Food Safety Requirements
  • State Regulatory Requirements
  • OSHA Health and Safety Requirements

Upon successful completion of the CHC online, learners earn a Certificate of Completion, GF Institute membership, and a verifiable, shareable third-party digital badge that recognizes and verifies their skills and achievements.

For more information:
Green Flower 

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