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US (AZ): New, more aggressive cannabis testing bill contrasts with competing measure

Republican lawmakers are proposing an aggressive set of changes in Arizona's cannabis testing rules to address several loopholes, a move that contrasts with a Democrat-introduced proposal that consumer advocates say is too weak to fix the issues.

Sen. Janae Shamp, R-Surprise, introduced the bill at the Legislature and immediately gained support from Arizona NORML, a cannabis consumer advocacy group, along with several Republican co-sponsors.

Meanwhile, the Democrat-backed bill has support from the influential association of cannabis dispensaries, whose members include some who have skirted rules by selling contaminated products and inflating the potency listed on labels. Shamp said she does not believe the industry is well-regulated, and that she supports medical cannabis.

"This bill is all about ensuring the safety of our patients," said Shamp, a nurse. "People should know exactly what they are putting into their bodies. This notion is especially critical for those who are using cannabis for medical purposes.


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