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Delta 9 completes first export of cannabis to Australia, receives seven additional export permits

Delta 9 Cannabis has completed its first shipment of bulk dried cannabis flower to a customer in Australia, marking the company’s first export of dried cannabis flower material to an international market. The company has also received seven additional export permits from Health Canada and intends to complete multiple shipments of dried cannabis flower, and cannabis extracts to the Australian market in the first and second quarters of 2023. The shipments are anticipated to include approximately 100 Kg of dried cannabis flower material and 6 Kg of cannabis distillate.

The expansion marks a significant milestone for Delta 9 as it enters the global cannabis market. “This shipment is our first step of many planned sales into the Australian medical cannabis market,” said John Arbuthnot, CEO of Delta 9. “We see significant emerging market opportunities in international markets playing out over the next several years and anticipate that exports of cannabis products will become a key growth driver for us.”

Delta 9 views the international market as an emerging opportunity to increase revenue from its cannabis operations. The company is optimistic that an increasing number of global markets will refine regulations, allowing for lower-barrier access to high-quality cannabis products produced by trusted suppliers from Canada.

For more information:
Delta 9 Cannabis

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