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Water Ways to present new computerized control systems for smart irrigation and fertigation

Water Ways Technologies announced that its fully owned Canadian subsidiary, Heartnut Grove WWT (HGWWT), will be presenting "computerized labor saving control systems for orchard and open field irrigation together with precise fertigation mixing technology for soilless growers and nurseries" at the upcoming "Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention" being held in Niagara Falls, Ontario that is taking place on February 22 and 23, 2023. At the Convention, HGWWT will launch the advanced technologies which were developed in Israel by Water Ways and which the Company expects will further assist its continued expansion in the North American farming market.

Ohad Haber, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer commented: "Our Canadian subsidiary is working to penetrate the US farming market and expanding in the Canadian market. Part of these efforts involve trade fairs and conventions in which we present to our customers the latest technologies. We have set a target to have substantial sales in Canada and the US through HGWWT."

For more information:
Water Ways Technologies 

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