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CAN: Cannabis companies weigh pricing strategies after OCS margin cut

Canopy Growth Corp. will hold its prices as licensed pot producers weigh whether to pass along to consumers the savings from the Ontario Cannabis Store's forthcoming margin decrease.

The Smiths Falls, Ont. cannabis company behind the Tweed, Ace Valley, and 7Acres brands isn't budging on what it will charge because the pot market is already "highly competitive," chief executive David Klein said in a statement to The Canadian Press.

Canopy declined to say more about the pricing decision, which comes after it laid off 800 workers and the company reported a $266.7 million net loss in its third quarter.

The decision comes after the OCS, the province's pot distributor, said last week that it would reduce the margins it makes on weed sales this September in a move expected to put $35 million back in the hands of licensed pot companies this fiscal year and $60 million in the 2024 fiscal year. 


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