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How cannabis firms are wading onto an ad-friendlier Twitter

Twitter’s recent move to allow ads from cannabis and THC brands in the U.S. has led to a flurry of paid campaigns, advertisers say. Along with those media buys, firms have also claimed an array of Twitter “firsts” in their various cannabis categories.

Among them was Balanced Health Botanicals (BHB), which owns and operates the CBDistillery and Bota brands of hemp-derived CBD products like CBD- and THC-infused gummies, oils, and capsules. U.S.-based BHB, which is a unit of Village Farms International, says it was the first CBD brand to go live with its ads, debuting February 22.

“We knew we had to move quickly to lead the future of digital advertising in the space,” explained BHB CEO Chase Terwilliger.

Twitter revised its policy on February 15 to allow THC and CBD brands, well as related accessories and services, to advertise. However, they have to meet a host of requirements, including “pre-authorization” by Twitter and being operable only in states where cannabis is legal. 


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