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US (MT): Cannabis operators faced with odor control challenges

In Montana, the cannabis industry is facing a new challenge as a proposed bill seeks to regulate odor emissions from cannabis operations. The bill aims to reduce the pungent smell of marijuana that can often waft beyond the boundaries of licensed facilities and cause a nuisance to neighbor communities. If passed, the bill would require cannabis operators to implement odor control measures to mitigate the scent of their products.

The bill, known as the “Montana Cannabis Odor Control Act,” has gained traction among state lawmakers who are concerned about the potential for odor complaints from residents. Montana is one of several states that has recently legalized recreational marijuana, and as a result, there has been a rapid increase in cannabis cultivation and processing facilities.

Under the proposed legislation, cannabis operators would be required to install and maintain odor control systems that can effectively reduce the scent of their products. The bill outlines specific requirements for the type of odor control systems that can be used, as well as guidelines for monitoring and reporting odor emissions.


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