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Cannabis lab opened in Morocco

Morocco, on Monday, inaugurated the country's first laboratory for the medical and industrial use of cannabis, Anadolu News Agency reports. In a statement, the Cooperative Bio Cannat said the lab in the north-western city of Chefchaouen would be used to process cannabis in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

According to the statement, the lab obtained a permit for the use of cannabis in industry and medicine in October 2022. It said the substance will be used in food, industrial, medical, and paramedical industries due to the many scientifically proven benefits in relieving pain.

"There will be agricultural experiments with some farmers in Chefchaouen in order to provide raw materials after having provided the seeds intended for this purpose," it added.

Last November, the Interior Ministry said its efforts to tackle the illegal cannabis trade had led to an approximately 80 percent drop in its cultivation.


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