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US (MP): Business picks up at new Jackson County cannabis business

Southern Grown Therapeutics, a new cannabis growing business operating in Jackson County, has its first harvest drying and is about two weeks away from its second harvest. After receiving a license in June, Southern Grown is one of the first licensed cultivators on the coast.

Operations Manager Matthew Gates said he thinks what they are producing will help. ”I think it’s a great opportunity for South Mississippi,” Gates said. “Anybody that’s ever been associated with any kind of pain or going through any kind of anxiety that looks for another alternative besides using medication. This is definitely the way to go.”

Therapeutics President Tommy Krumland and his wife decided to build the facility after learning about “Initiative 65” in 2020. “We think it’s definitely taking off,” Krumland said. “We think it’s going to be a huge advancement for the coast and the state. We are looking to employ more people and, more importantly, to have this benefit in our backyard.”

Cannabis grown here will be sent to dispensaries across the state. Krumland said cannabis is very beneficial for the community, and he made a promise to grow the best cannabis in Mississippi. “We want a clean, sterile environment so that we can have the best cannabis. We do say that we are the premier cultivators here on the coast, and we hope to live up to that,” he said. “We hope that plenty of patients try our medicine and give us good feedback. Will continue to grow with this whole program and grow with the state.”


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