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US (MA): Holyoke’s ‘mall for cannabis’ gives small businesses a place to grow as industry cools

Damaris Aponte has a plan for Blossom Flower, her cannabis startup, that she says will marry cultivation, manufacturing, and delivery of the product to retailers and customers.

But she needs more than a plan and her enthusiasm. She needs a place to do business equipped with ventilation, security, and a sally port for the secure transfer of cannabis in and out of trucks and vans.

She’ll get it at the Riverside Mill, located at 1 Cabot St. in the Paper City’s manufacturing district down on the canals, which owner Thomas J. Cusano and building contractor Sweitzer Construction are transforming into a marijuana mall — or a cannabis co-working space. The goal is a building that will host a variety of cannabis businesses under one roof where they can share facilities and a sense of community.

In addition to Aponte, tenants include Holyokers Isaias A. Rosario and Ezra R. Bleau, co-founders of Infused Element. Infused Elements is a business they are building around baked goods and beverages infused with rosin as opposed to distillate. Rosin cannabis extract is made without solvents, meaning it is chemical-free.


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