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NZ: Helius launches a podcast to inform and educate

Chief Commercial Officer at Helius, Julie Curphey, had an idea some months ago to create a podcast that could serve as an informative and educational series for NZ patients. "We hear many stories about people not being able to access medicinal cannabis. There are a lot of stigmas, or they have been told no by their GP, or they just do not realize they can legally get it on prescription". We know that word of mouth is a great communication tool, and it seemed to be a good starting point.

The idea was born: having conversations about cannabis with people who are using it to help others. "If we help one person out there who thinks medicinal cannabis will help them but doesn't know what to do - then we will have succeeded."

This is not about specific products. In fact, it is not within the regulations to speak about specific brands or products. This is about sharing stories and starting conversations about cannabis-based medicines, and sharing experiences to help each other.

The name is in reference to an NZ politician expressing her views about cannabis in NZ back in 2009. Back in the 1930s in the USA, when prohibition was in full swing, cannabis was referred to as the Devil's Harvest, and it has morphed over time into Devil's Lettuce.

Episode 1 of the podcast is available to listen to now in the Apple podcast store - click on this link to listen: The Devil's Lettuce: Conversations about Cannabis on Apple Podcasts

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