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Antigua becomes first Caribbean country to allow Rastafari to grow cannabis

Antigua and Barbuda has become the first Caribbean country to grant the Rastafari community official sacramental authorization to grow cannabis. Last week, Antigua and Barbuda’s Rastafari community members were presented with their legal authorization during a historic signing ceremony at the Prime Minister’s Office.

Prime Minister Gaston Browne praised the Rastafari community for their resilience and granted the religious and cultural group the landmark authorizing under the 2018 Cannabis Act.

At a special ceremony, renowned Rastafari leaders Glasford “King Sagyefo” Mack of the Nyabinghi Theocracy Church, Kiyode Erasto Straker of the RasFreeman Foundation for the Unification of Rastafari, and Kenrick Lloyd of the Wan Love Chant were presented with certificates by the Medicinal Cannabis Authority (MCA), which will legally allow them the right to cultivate cannabis for religious purposes.

“I believe, as a faith-based institution, that your organization should be respected by all,” the Prime Minister said.


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