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CAN (BC): CP Logistics reaches settlement with Bobs

Sunniva's subsidiary, CP Logistics, reached a settlement with Bobs LLC ("Bobs") in regard to the interim ruling as issued by JAMS Arbitration on September 7, 2022.

Under the ruling, the Tribunal granted Bobs' money damages in the approximate amount of US $8.6 million and attorneys fees. Under the settlement, CP Logistics has transferred a cannabis license for dispensary, delivery, and cultivation to Bobs in lieu of the monetary damages which were awarded to Bobs. CPL and Bobs have agreed that this transfer settles all obligations in full and agree not to pursue additional legal action, including appeals against the other party and their affiliates.

For more information:
Suite 400, 355 - 4th Avenue S. W.
Calgary, AB T2p 0J1
[email protected]  

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