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Dutch Tank Level Indicator goes far and wide:

"You want to see how much water is in the tank, not how much isn't"

Over the past few years, Aad Verduijn's Tank Level Indicator has made it easier to read water levels in more than 100 water tanks. Not only in the Netherlands; the simple solution is now frequently being used in other countries too.

Figuring out how much water is still in the tank is not complicated is it? According to Aad Verduijnm, it is. "You can hang a float in the tank, but that always gives you the opposite answer. You don't want to see how much water has been used; you want to see how much water is still in the tank," he says.

Tank Level Indicator
So, a few years ago, he decided to develop and market a solution via his company, Avecon. The principle is based on a float in the silo and an indicator on the outside of the silo that are connected to each other with a strong cord. Using two smart cord guides, the indicator clearly shows the actual contents of the silo.

"The Avecon Tank Level Indicator is easy to mount on all new and existing water silos, regardless of height, content or brand. Covering the silo or a floating sail are no problem. The Tank Level Indicator is entirely made of plastic and is mounted to the silo with a stainless steel bracket. The indicator is protected on the outside by a transparent tube", concludes Aad, who assembles the Tank Level Indicators himself. 

Growers worldwide now use theseTank Level Indicators. They can order directly from Avecon and install it to their existing water tank or receive it from partners like Genap, who also see the added value and, thus, offer the solution to their customers. That means Ad's Tank Level Indicator appears on water tanks from Ameland to Mexico and Vietnam.

For more information:
Avecon Horti Expertise
Email: [email protected] 

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