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US (CA): Deadline for local equity applicants coming up

Local equity applicants have until March 31, 2023, to submit a license application to be considered for a provisional license per Business and Professions Code 26050.2 (a) (3) (D). 

Here is a checklist to assist you with submitting a provisional license application: 

  • Review current regulations for application requirements  
  • Gather and submit all requirements in accordance with California Code of Regulations sections 15002 and 15011 
  • Follow the online instructions for how to apply  
  • Reach out to local jurisdiction for your local authorization   
  • Provide CEQA documentation showing proof your environmental review is underway  
  • For cultivation licenses, provide a final streambed alteration agreement or documentation from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife that meets the requirements of section 15001.1(c)(2) of DCC’s regulations 
  • Make sure you are not requesting a license that exceeds one acre of outdoor cultivation, 22,000 square feet of mixed-light or indoor cultivation, or licenses on contiguous premises that exceed these size limitations  
  • If paying your application fee by cash, make an appointment to pay before the March 31, 2023, deadline by emailing [email protected]      

If you are a local equity business and have already submitted an application for a provisional license, be sure to check the application portal and your email inbox to ensure all application requirements have been completed. 

To learn more about local equity applicant qualifications, please send an email to [email protected] or visit the DCC website at: 

For more information:
Department of Cannabis Control 

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