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"Missouri cannabis cuts into Illinois market"

Illinois had a three-year head start on legalizing recreational cannabis. But in many ways, Missouri has surpassed it after just one month.

The two states came to legalization very differently, which makes the laws in each state very different — and means Missouri is cutting into the Illinois market.

In February, its first month of legal sales, legal cannabis sales in Missouri totaled $103 million. In Illinois, sales to out-of-state shoppers dropped 15% in that time, and as much as 30% in stores near Missouri, market analyst Cantor Fitzgerald reported. That’s important because sales to out-of-state residents make up almost one-third of all cannabis revenue in Illinois.

Illinois had $120 million in recreational sales alone in February, which outpaced Missouri. But Illinois sales have plateaued somewhat recently, and historically, sales continue increasing after legalization.

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