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US (MD): Senate's adult-use cannabis bill differs from House bill over taxes

The Senate's bill to map out the legalization of adult-use cannabis in Maryland differs greatly from the House proposal over taxes.

Legislation making recreational cannabis legal in Maryland still has a long way to go in a relatively short period of time. And changes made by the Senate Finance Committee could set up a showdown between the House and Senate.

But legislative leaders put an optimistic spin on the changes, calling the differences minor and will be easy to resolve. "This is one of those bills that everyone has just one more idea. So, the faster we can get to a place of resolution, I think it will be better for everyone," said Senate President Bill Ferguson, D-District 46.

Early this month, the House gave preliminary approval to House Bill 556, which would tax and regulate cannabis. Under the Senate version, Senate Bill 516, it would cost Marylanders more for recreational cannabis use. The sales tax would go up from 6% to a 9% flat tax, and local governments would receive 5% of the revenues.


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