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US (VA): Governor sends tweaked hemp regulations back to General Assembly

A proposed state law that has some local hemp-related businesses fearing for their futures isn’t written in stone just yet.

Gov. Glenn Youngkin on Monday, rather than signing it immediately into law, recommended changes to legislation that would establish more regulations on the hemp industry in Virginia. He then sent those potential revisions back to the General Assembly for review.

The crux of the governor’s proposal is to tweak the allowable amounts of THC and CBD in certain hemp products. Youngkin’s version would define hemp products that are legal to sell in the commonwealth as those that contain a total THC concentration no greater than 0.3 percent and have either no more than 2 milligrams of total THC per package or an amount of CBD no less than 25 times greater than the package’s THC total amount.

The hemp-regulating legislation that came before the governor’s desk didn’t initially include a reference to CBD amount as a defining characteristic of what would be considered hemp as opposed to cannabis in the state.


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