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Better cannabis through collaboration: the LCC travels to Germany

Summer is near, and springtime is packed with upcoming cannabis-related expos and conferences, as usual. With so many choices available – which events should you attend, and where is there value to be found? That's easy – Join the Legal Cannabis Coalition and Cannabis Business Europe as they bring together the best of Germany with two events near Frankfurt, Germany, in May 2023.

Important markets
Germany has become an important facet of the fast-growing European market for medical cannabis products. Germany has also been at the forefront of cannabis acceptance for medical purposes, and the current governmental push towards the legalization of recreational cannabis shows the rest of Europe how this can be organized. Dozens of highly specialized cannabis operators are already active in Germany. And local extraction companies, scientists, and medical experts are increasingly getting involved in this exciting new market. Having access to the best knowledge and services will help Germany to stay on top in this highly competitive industry.

The Legal Cannabis Coalition (LCC) has found its origin in collaborations across a multitude of expert Dutch horticultural companies. The Netherlands is historically a world leader in the greenhouse and indoor cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. In 2003, it also became one of the first countries with a national medicinal program for standardized and quality-controlled Cannabis. As a result, these Dutch companies have become world leaders in the fields of cannabis greenhouse construction, optimizing cultivation conditions, and laboratory analysis of cannabis products. Since its advent, the LCC has further broadened their expertise by the addition of other LCC members with specific expertise in the field of cannabis cultivation and processing and currently welcomes members from all over the globe.

Last year's LCC event in Portugal

Why you should attend
In April 2022, the Legal Cannabis Coalition introduced its first international event in Lisbon, Portugal. Initially called 'Meet the LCC,' the idea was to introduce all LCC members to an audience full of cannabis professionals in a country with an interesting cannabis market. This intimate one-day symposium was an overwhelming success, with tickets completely sold out. Michael Sassano, CEO of SOMAÍ Pharmaceuticals, reported: "This was the first LCC event I've attended, and it surely won't be my last. The collection of professionals offering seed-to-sale services, equipment, and practical lessons, was informative -from the starter levels to the most experienced. It was great to reconnect with vendors I have known for years and see many of the growers and manufacturers working with us in this industry – all in one intimate and impactful event."

In 2023 the Legal Cannabis Coalition (LCC) is heading to Germany
"Similar to our successful sold-out event in Lisbon last year, our one-day symposium will share the services, products, and practical experiences of the LCC members, followed by round-table discussions so we can help you to be a more informed grower, physician, policymaker, or scientist. This is meant to be a day of learning and goes beyond just lecturing. Participants are encouraged to actively participate, ask questions and learn about practical aspects of the industry."

The symposium will take place on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, from 8:15-18:00h.
Location: Bad Soden, H+ hotel, Germany Frankfurt am Main.
Costs: € 295,-  (excl. VAT, incl. food and drinks)

Click here to register now. 

The LCC has put together some interesting speakers again this year – click here to see the program.

Cannabis Business Europe
In the organization of this event, the LCC has initiated a partnership with Cannabis Business Europe 2023, one of the leading cannabis events in Europe, which is taking place after the LCC event. Therefore, we recommend you take a few days out of your schedule and make the most of your trip to Frankfurt. Combine our LCC Germany event on May 24 with the 6th annual conference of Cannabis Business Europe on May 25 and 26. At Cannabis Business Europe 2023, big players and companies come together to discuss new trends and share experiences about the changing regulatory environment, best practices, and operational challenges. Topics to be covered in this two-day conference include Branding, Commerce, Cultivation, Regulatory Developments, and Supply Chain.

The LCC will also be represented at the event. "We will present on the LCC activities, and we welcome you to our booth there to continue the discussions!"

Interested in finding out more about Cannabis Business Europe 2023?
The event will take place on May 25 and 26, 2023.

Click here to register now.

For more information:
Legal Cannabis Coalition
[email protected]

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