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Argentina’s government participated in first legal hemp harvests in half a century

Starting in 2019, Argentina has made a big push to boost its domestic cannabis industry, particularly as it pertains to science and research. Back then, Argentina’s Ministry of Science and Technology signed an agreement with a local government, the National University, and other entities.

That was followed by a Presidential decree issued in 2020 which provided a way for medical cannabis patients to, in theory, sign up for a government program in order to be able to cultivate their own medicine.

In May 2022, lawmakers in Argentina passed a measure that created the framework for a more robust medical cannabis industry in the South American nation, including provisions for boosting exports around the world. Later in 2022, the government established a public company to provide seeds, testing, and training to the nation’s emerging medical cannabis industry.

Recently members of Argentina’s government participated in the nation’s first legal hemp harvests in half a century, marking another milestone for the nation. 


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