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France: Investing in photobiology for medical cannabis

"To develop the production of cannabinoids that meet pharmaceutical quality, the question of light is absolutely essential," says Hugues Péribère, Founder and CEO of Overseed. The company was founded in 2021 and is the first in France to be allowed to cultivate medical cannabis for R&D purposes. They have partnered with RED Horticulture for their lighting. "The problem in terms of lighting on cannabis is, above all, is that it's a photoperiodic plant. It needs a certain number of hours of day and night to bloom," explains Manon Trinel, R&D Manager at Overseed. "And then it is a plant that consumes a lot of energy and will require quality lighting, both in terms of spectrum and intensity."

Raphael Quenum is an agronomist specializing in photobiology at RED Horticulture and is in charge of the cannabis R&D part. "With this project, the accompaniment is quite special, as it is a structure where R&D is done instead of just production. Therefore, it is a real collaborative process."

Click here to see RED Horticulture video at Overseed's facility.

Flexibility and consistency
"For each stage of growth, we are able with these lights to vary the intensity, to adapt it to the daily outdoor climate, to control specific light spectrums," Hugues says. "And this with the aim of being able to repeat from one production to another always the same result in terms of quality. This is essential for the production of medicine."

"The benefit of working with RED Horticulture is mainly the flexibility that is essential in R&D. This allows us to change and adapt on a daily basis, to scientific advances, to our greenhouse, and to our R&D program," Manon adds.

"The benefits of MyRED control will be to provide the right amount of light and the right spectral quality at the right time," Raphael explains. "This will allow for the optimizing of the development, quality, yield, and especially power consumption. We have a laboratory in Switzerland that allows us to study precisely the impact of spectral quality and light intensity on cannabis. This will allow us to have a very fine control of the light according to the environment, the stage of development of the cannabis, but also the objectives of production."

For more information:
RED Horticulture 
