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US (CT): Hemp farmers want to grow cannabis, but it may not happen

A bill that would allow existing hemp growers in Connecticut to cultivate THC-laden cannabis is likely dead in the water, according to legislators. 

"The likelihood of the bill being raised? It's not probable," said Deputy House Speaker Juan Candelaria, D-New Haven. "There's a bunch of us that will make that decision. I just don't see that happening to be honest with you. I just don't. I could be wrong."

The bill was passed out of committee on March 23 but might never come to the floor of the state House for a vote. Candelaria was one of only four votes against the bill in committee, three of which came from members of the legislature's Black and Hispanic Caucus: Candelaria, Rep. Raghib Allie-Brennan, D-Bethel and Rep. Farley Santos, D-Danbury. Sen. John Kissel, R-Enfield, also voted against the measure.

The proposal faced vocal opposition from the state's Social Equity Council. Ginne-Rae Clay, the council's executive director, testified in February that allowing hemp growers to cultivate cannabis for the recreational market would put social equity growers at risk. 


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