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"Grow cannabis, not pathogens"

Cultivating cannabis on a commercial scale can mean many things: higher yields, more revenue, and greater return on investment to name a few. However, one thing for which many large-scale growers aren’t prepared is the frequency and severity of cannabis pathogens.

In many cases, growers don’t realize they’ve had an outbreak until it’s too late. To protect their plants, people, and bottom line, cultivators need a comprehensive disease management program that includes intervention and prevention strategies.

Why Do Pathogens Matter to Cultivators?
Because even the best-designed facilities have them. The question is, have you invested in robust mechanical solutions that can limit their impact on your financial performance, and do you know how to use those tools to create action plans to reduce risks and solve problems when they occur? 

Certificates of Analysis (COAs) tell us the percentage of cannabinoids and terpenes, but they also tell if products are safe to sell and consume. If they are not, they need to go through remediation (which often destroys the price per pound) or be destroyed altogether. In other words, pathogens impact not only your plant yield, morphology, and phenotypic expression but the profitability of your entire business. 


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