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Priva launches software-only solution for efficient labor registration

With the launch of FS Performance Essentials 4.0, Priva is introducing a software-only labor registration system. The system allows horticultural companies to easily and quickly get started with efficient labor registration without the need for specific Priva hardware.

Increase efficiency, reduce labor costs
Priva FS Performance Essentials 4.0 is designed to meet the needs of horticultural companies or a reliable and accurate labor management system. The program provides a complete set of essential features to increase efficiency and reduce labor costs.

"With real-time insight into labor and production figures and reports to analyze company data across multiple crops, the program provides key management information needed to make important operational, tactical and strategic decisions," says René Ton, Team Lead Direct Sales at Priva.

Software-only solution
One of the key benefits of FS Performance Essentials 4.0 is that it is a software-only solution. This means that horticultural businesses can benefit from advanced software without having to install special Priva FS Performance hardware.

Recording activities is easy and can be done using individual smartphones by scanning barcodes, QR codes, NFC tags or by manual entry. Central tablets can also be used for manual entry.

In addition, operational data can be easily shared with third parties through a standard API interface.

Click here to learn more about FS Performance Essentials 4.0?

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