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Organized by DryGair and Royal Brinkman

Book a tour of a Dutch greenhouse during the GreenTech 2023

DryGair and Royal Brinkman are inviting all interested parties to join their annual tour of an advanced greenhouse in the Netherlands the day before GreenTech 2023. The visit is aimed towards growers and greenhouse operators, as well as the horticulture industry and academic figures.

The visit includes a professional tour of a high-tech glasshouse. "Participants will be able to witness commercial greenhouse technologies in action and learn how growers use cutting-edge technologies to improve cultivation, increase efficiency, and save up to 70% on energy", the team says.

DryGair will also be presenting their dehumidification solution for greenhouses, as well as their “New Way to Grow” philosophy for energy savings. Visitors will see how DryGair is used in practice, under real-world conditions, to save energy and improve cultivation and yields in a horticulture environment.

“We are thrilled to continue our annual greenhouse visit tradition and are excited Royal Brinkman continues to support and participate in this initiative. We look forward to presenting the DryGair solution in action, knowing hundreds of growers around the world already use DG dehumidifiers to increase their yields, improve product quality, prevent diseases, and of course, save significant amounts of energy,” says DryGair VP, Ziv Shaked.

Book your tour 
The tour will take place Monday, June 12, the day before GreenTech 2023. Departure from GreenTech will be at 12:00, with the arrival back scheduled for 17:00.

The greenhouse is located approximately a one-hour drive from GreenTech Amsterdam.

Tour attendance is limited and subject to availability.

Interested in joining the tour? Sign up here

For more information:
DryGair Energies 
8 Hamanofim St, Herzliya
Tel.: +972-9-7730989 
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